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Last Updated: Nov 18, 2006 - 12:32:53 PM

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Avoid fungal infection by using towel at gym
Apr 25, 2006 - 8:40:00 PM, Reviewed by: Dr. Priya Saxena

Gyms are usually disinfected on a regular basis, but it is still a good idea to exercise caution, experts recommend.

People who work out at the gym should use a towel when they are on the stationary bike or other shared exercise equipment to reduce the spread of fungal infections.

Fungi cause itchy rashes or in the worst case, circular patches where no hair grows, explains Hans-Juergen Tietz of the Institute for Fungal Illness in Berlin.

According to him, fungus is a huge problem as it spreads when it is rubbed off the skin of someone infected and lands on the racks, where weights are placed or on exercise mats.

Gyms are usually disinfected on a regular basis, but it is still a good idea to exercise caution, experts recommend.

People who do not wish to use a towel should wear something that completely covers their back and shoulders, advises Tietz.

School-going children involved in sports could also contract the fungal infections.

Parents should give their children long-sleeved shirts, when they do sports to protect against the skin fungus.

Apart from that, parents can also insist that mats be cleaned regularly, Tietz said.

- Indo-Asian News Service

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