
Thin? You still need exercise
Mar 8, 2006 - 9:35:00 PM

If you are naturally thin you still need as much exercise as others in order to stay healthy, says a study.

Gary O'Donovan of Brunel University in London and other researchers examined the risk of heart disease in a group made up of lean exercisers, lean non-exercisers and obese non-exercisers.

They found that while lean exercisers had the lowest risk of heart disease, high cholesterol levels were almost identical in lean non-exercisers and obese non-exercisers, reported the online edition of Daily Mail.

Slim people who don't work out have the same levels of bad cholesterol as obese non-exercisers, revealed the study published in the International Journal of Obesity.

Bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein can cause a harmful build-up of cholesterol which may narrow the arteries and contribute to heart disease and strokes and slim people need to exercise as much as others in order to stay healthy, it said.

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