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Last Updated: Nov 18, 2006 - 12:32:53 PM

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GP Registrars receive awards for their audit work
Dec 12, 2005 - 6:15:00 PM, Reviewed by: Dr. Ankush Vidyarthi

This year�s top awards are being presented to Dr Tahir Mohammed, for his work on patients with impaired fasting glycaemia; Dr Kiran Raza for her work on discussing immunisation in patients with absent or dysfunctional spleen; and Dr Saw Ye Tun Aung for his work on monitoring plasma glucose and HbA1C in patients on olanzapine.

Eleven GP Registrars are to receive awards, sponsored by Roche Products, for audit work undertaken during their vocational training at an awards evening at the Royal College of General Practitioners on 12 December 2005.

The awards are in two different categories: top winners who win �1,000 each and a bound copy of their winning application, and others who will receive �400.

This year�s top awards are being presented to Dr Tahir Mohammed, for his work on patients with impaired fasting glycaemia; Dr Kiran Raza for her work on discussing immunisation in patients with absent or dysfunctional spleen; and Dr Saw Ye Tun Aung for his work on monitoring plasma glucose and HbA1C in patients on olanzapine.

Other winners include Dr Shah Ali for his work on controlled drug registers and Dr Mark Taubert for his work on communication with patients terminally ill with cancer. (Full details are given in Notes to Editors).

The awards are presented each year to encourage GP Registrars to undertake original audit work during their vocational training and to plan, execute and present the results of that work in a scientific manner.

Dr Roger Neighbour, President of the Royal College of General Practitioners and host of the awards evening, said: �As Registrars� time in practice gets ever more pressurised, it�s important for them to stay curious and critical about their clinical performance. These awards encourage them to get into the audit habit at the start of their careers. By their generous sponsorship, Roche are helping to improve patient care in a wide range of contexts.�

Top winners:

Tahir Mohammed 'All Patients with impaired fasting glycaemia should have a glucose tolerance test'

Kairan Raza 'Discussion on Immunisation in patients with absent or dysfunctional spleen'

Saw Ye Tun Aung 'Monitoring plasma glucose and HbA1C in patients on olanzapine'

GP Registrars receiving �400 each:

Shah Ali 'An Audit of Controlled Drug Registers and Procedures'

Vikram Dave 'Clopidogrel Audit: Do patients have justified clinical indication and duration of use in their medical record?'

Anuya Deshpande 'Pneumococcal Vaccinations in patients with Diabetes Mellitus'

Kate Frankland 'Do all patients with Depression have their alcohol use recorded?'

Madhu Tamilarasan 'The Documentation of Pre-booked Telephone Consultation: A completed audit cycle'

Mark Taubert 'Caring for Patients terminally ill with Cancer in our Practice. Is Communication good enough?'

Mahibur Rahman 'Health Challenge Quiz � developing an interactive health promotion tool'

Rehan Rahmatulla 'Management of Abnormal Plasma Glucose'

- Royal College of General Practitioners, UK


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The awards evening will be held at the Royal College of General Practitioners on 12 December 2005 from 7.00 pm.

The Royal College of General Practitioners is the largest membership organisation in the United Kingdom solely for GPs. It aims to encourage and maintain the highest standards of general medical practice and to act as the �voice� of GPs on issues concerned with education; training; research; and clinical standards. Founded in 1952, the RCGP has over 23,000 members who are committed to improving patient care, developing their own skills and promoting general practice as a discipline.

Promoting excellence in family medicine www.rcgp.org.uk

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