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Last Updated: Nov 18, 2006 - 12:32:53 PM

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GP bodies seek urgent talks on PMETB delays
Oct 6, 2005 - 9:24:00 PM, Reviewed by: Dr.

Joint signatories Dr Hamish Meldrum (GPC Chairman) and Dr Mayur Lakhani, RCGP Chairman warn that the current situation will have a detrimental impact on GP recruitment. In their letter to PMETB they conclude: �We would like to work with you to resolve this as a matter of extreme urgency.�

Grave concerns about proposed lengthy procedures for the awarding of completion of training certificates (CCTs) to GP Registrars are voiced in a joint letter to the PMETB (Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board) from the BMA�s General Practitioners Committee (GPC) and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).

Under the old system, the JCPTGP (Joint Committee on Postgraduate Training for General Practice) took a maximum of 10 working days to award a CCT. Under the new body, PMETB, which started work this month, it may take up to six to eight weeks. The CCT is essential before a doctor can take up work in NHS general practice. This is unlike the situation for hospital doctors where registrars can continue to work for up to six months while waiting for their CCT.

Joint signatories Dr Hamish Meldrum (GPC Chairman) and Dr Mayur Lakhani, RCGP Chairman warn that the current situation will have a detrimental impact on GP recruitment. In their letter to PMETB they conclude: �We would like to work with you to resolve this as a matter of extreme urgency.�

- BMA's GPs Committee / RCGP Joint Release


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