New social care body appoints regional team
Feb 17, 2004 - 6:45:00 AM, Reviewed by: Dr.
By Ashwin, UK Correspondent,
A highly experienced team of regional directors, heads of service and a national director have been appointed by the new Commission for Social Care Inspection, which comes into force on April 1.
Averil Nottage, currently the Acting Chief Inspector of the Social Services Inspectorate (SSI), has been appointed National Director of Value for Money and Service Inspection.
The seven new regional directors (their current posts are in brackets) are:
North West � Alan Jefferson (NCSC�s Regional Director for the North West and West Midlands regions);
Yorkshire & Humberside � Amanda Sherlock (NCSC�s Transition Director);
East Midlands � Colin Hough (NCSC�s Operations Director);
Eastern � Jenny Owen (SSI�s Eastern Region Director);
North East � John Fraser (Director of SSI�s North East Region);
South-East � Linda Hoare, (Director of SSI�s South East Region); and London � Mike Rourke (Director of SSI�s London Region).
The four heads of service are:
Data and Market Analysis � Mike Beazley (SSI�s Head of Performance); Legal Services � Louise Guss (Head of Legal Services at the NCSC); Finance � Terry McCrady (NCSC�s Finance Director); and External and Internal Communications - Sharon Atkinson.
Heather Wing OBE (currently NCSC�s Adult Services Director) has also been appointed to assist the Commission with Business Continuity and Performance Improvement.
David Behan, the Commission for Social Care Inspection�s Chief Inspector, said: �I am very pleased that we have been able to appoint, from a very competitive pool, such a range of talented and skilled professionals. They will help us ensure that the Commission is effectively managed and operating to a consistently high standard at all times. I very much look forward to working with them.�
Regional Directors, Heads of Service and National Director � biographical details
National Director of Value for Money and Service Inspection � Averil Nottage Averil is currently the Acting Chief Inspector of the Social Services Inspectorate, having previously been Deputy Chief Inspector. In that role, she managed SSI�s inspection and performance assessment programmes, sponsored the joint review team and helped to co-ordinate the work of inspectorates across local government, health and the criminal justice system. She is a qualified social worker and experienced social services manager, who spent 18 years working in social services departments in London. In 1988, she was appointed Assistant Director of Social Services in the London Borough of Haringey and a year later she joined SSI as an inspector. Averil has a BA in politics and a Diploma in Social Work.
Regional Directors
North West - Alan Jefferson
Alan is currently the NCSC Regional Director for the North West and West Midlands. When he was Assistant Director of Social Services, Lancashire County Council, he was responsible for one of the largest inspection units in the country. For several years Alan was Chairperson of the National Association of Inspection and Registration Officers (NAIRO) and was involved in many aspects of the planning for the creation of the National Care Standards Commission. Alan holds a BA in Sociology, a Certificate of Qualification in Social Work (CCETSW), an MPhil (Social Work) and a Diploma in Management Studies.
Yorkshire & Humberside � Amanda Sherlock
Amanda is currently the NCSC�s Special Projects/Transition Director, and was previously its Regional Director for London. She was Assistant Regional Director, Performance and Development, for the NHS Executive, Eastern, where she had specific responsibility for a service portfolio including older people, children, primary care and people with learning difficulties. She previously worked with Havering Hospitals NHS Trust where she was Director of Clinical Services and General Manager - Primary Care and Marketing. Before 1995 Amanda held posts with a number of health authorities. She has a BA (Hons) in Business Management, an MA in Management and Leadership in Health and Social Care, and Diplomas via the College of Occupational Therapists and the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
East Midlands - Colin Hough
Colin is currently the NCSC�s Operations Director. Previously he was Chief Executive of Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Trust, where he had been since 1993. Before then he was Director of Strategic Development for South Birmingham Health Authority and Assistant Chief Executive for Birmingham City Council. Colin has a BSocSci and an MA.
Eastern � Jenny Owen
Jenny became Director of the Social Services Inspectorate�s Eastern Region in 2001. She started her career in local government in social work and management roles. She joined the Department of Health in 1991, where she provided policy advice on physical disability services for adults and children. She has been a board member of the NHS regional executive board, leading on social care. Jenny holds a BA in Applied Social Studies and the Diploma in Public Service Management.
North East � John Fraser
John is currently Acting Deputy Chief Inspector of SSI and manages the inspectorate's operational business, which is delivered through nine regional offices and a methodology and inspection group. Before then, John was Director of SSI's North East office and responsible for the performance assessment of local councils. John started his career as a social worker in 1975 and has held various management and policy development posts in social services and in health. He is a member of the Government's learning disability task force.
South East � Lynda Hoare
Currently the Director of SSI�s South East Region, where she is responsible for performance assessment and service inspections of local councils. She also leads SSI inspection work on secure children�s homes, secure training centres and youth offending teams. During her 17 years in SSI Lynda has managed Inspection groups and led national inspection programmes. She started her social care career as a home help organiser then social worker and has held a number of management posts prior to joining SSI.
London � Mike Rourke
Currently the Director of the Social Services Inspectorate�s London Region, Mike also leads for the SSI on inspections of children�s services and on SSI�s engagement with failing authorities. Previously he managed the London Inspection and Inspection Resource groups. Prior to joining SSI in 1996, Mike worked as a social worker and manager in a number of London councils and in his native Australia.
Heads of Service
External and Internal Communications - Sharon Atkinson
Sharon has been Head of Communications at the NCSC since December 2001 and established its communications function. She now directs a team of ten communications professionals, who between them have expertise in parliamentary affairs, media relations, public relations, new media, internal communications, marketing and print publicity. Previously, Sharon spent eleven years as a press officer in the Government Information and Communications Service, working with Ministers and senior civil servants in a number of high profile Whitehall departments including the Home Office, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Department for Culture Media and Sport and the DTI. She also has experience of business PR, having worked for the international PR company Fleishman-Hillard for two years before joining NCSC. 
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