
Last Updated: Nov 2, 2013 - 11:52:55 AM |
Latest Research
Investigational drug, RI-BPI, in combination with the drug Gleevec, effective against acute lymphoblastic leukemia
A study by investigators at Weill Cornell Medical College and the University of California, San Francisco, published in the May 19 issue of Nature, shows that an investigational drug, RI-BPI, developed at Weill Cornell, in combination with the drug Gleevec shut down stem cells responsible for about one-third of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a cancer of white blood cells that affects young children as well as older adults.
May 24, 2011 - 5:25:05 PM
Latest Research
Reprogramming of diseased cells back into pluripotent stem cells provides model for studying the stages of cancer development
By reprogramming of diseased human bone marrow to become embryonic-like stem cells, a team of Wisconsin scientists has laid the groundwork for observing the onset of the blood cancer leukemia in the laboratory dish.
Feb 6, 2011 - 5:02:57 PM
Latest Research
Discovery that can lead to new drugs for Leukaemia
Researchers at the University of East Anglia have discovered for the first time a pathway that makes cancerous leukaemia cells resistant to treatment.Published online in the journal Blood on Friday January 18, the discovery is the first stage in the development of new drugs that could significantly improve survival rates for leukaemia sufferers.
Jan 20, 2008 - 9:50:16 AM
Latest Research
Screening for p53 would predict sensitivity to proteasome inhibitors
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine have determined a way to pre-screen cancer patients to see if they are suitable candidates for proteasome inhibitors, a promising class of anti-cancer drugs. They propose to test for p53, a well-known tumor-suppressor protein that is broken down by cellular machinery called proteasomes. This study appears online in the journal Blood, in advance of print publication in June 2007.
Mar 10, 2007 - 11:40:03 AM
Latest Research
Oblimersen enhances sensitivity to chemotherapy in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
The first "antisense" drug to be tested in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) shows benefit in a phase III clinical trial for a specific subset of patients - those who are still sensitive to a chemotherapy drug often used to treat this cancer.
Feb 15, 2007 - 3:36:18 AM
Latest Research
African-Americans receive fewer stem cell transplants than whites
Lower transplant rates in ethnic communities may be explained somewhat by a lack of suitable anonymous donors, a problem the medical community has long known and been working to address. Surprisingly, the study found the discrepancy in treatment held true even when the transplant was autologous (e.g. self-donated stem cells were used) or when the cells were donated by a relative, typically a sibling.
Feb 8, 2007 - 2:56:43 AM
Latest Research
Multiple Myeloma
Predicting response of treatment in Multiple Myeloma patients
Researchers at Mayo Clinic Cancer Center, in cooperation with industry partners, have, for the first time, identified tumor specific alterations in the cellular pathway by which the multiple myeloma drug bortezomib (Velcade) works, and they have identified nine new genetic mutations in cancer cells that should increase a patient's chance of responding to the agent.The investigators say these findings, presented Sunday, Dec. 10, at the 2006 American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting in Orlando, may help physicians tailor treatment to patients with multiple myleoma, a difficult-to-treat cancer of plasma cells that is the second most common blood cancer in the United States.
Dec 10, 2006 - 12:50:40 PM
Latest Research
Lenalidomide effective in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Patients treated with lenalidomide for relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) or disease that no longer responds to chemotherapy have experienced a major response to therapy, according to a phase II study conducted by Asher Chanan-Khan, MD, Department of Medicine, Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI).
Dec 4, 2006 - 11:19:06 AM
Latest Research
Medication errors affect children's leukemia treatment
Almost one in five children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) does not receive the appropriate chemotherapy regimen due to medication errors, according to a new study. Published in the September 15, 2006 issue of CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the study reveals that 10 percent of chemotherapeutic medications for outpatients were prescribed or administered incorrectly. Though most were of little clinical significance, in some patients the errors may have put the patients at risk either for relapse or for overdose-related complications.
Aug 14, 2006 - 11:34:00 AM
Latest Research
JAK-STAT pathway inhibitors are likely to be effective against some leukemias
New research indicates that drugs that target a cell growth pathway known as the JAK-STAT pathway are likely to be effective against certain chronic leukemias. Researchers recently discovered that a mutation in the JAK2 gene is responsible for the majority of cases of three rare kinds of chronic leukemia, all of which are resistant to the leukemia drug Gleevec. The new study identifies a second mutation in the same pathway that can also cause the disease, leading researchers to think that drugs targeting JAK-STAT signaling should be effective against leukemias caused by either mutation.
Jul 24, 2006 - 11:28:00 PM
Latest Research
HO-1 in sickle cell disease
Researchers have unexpectedly shown that sickle cell-associated kidney injury may be reduced by inhibiting the enzyme activity of a protein that commonly confers protection in other diseased states. The paper by Juncos et al., 'Anomalous renal effects of tin protoporphyrin in a murine model of sickle cell disease,' appears in the July issue of The American Journal of Pathology.
Jul 19, 2006 - 3:33:00 AM
Latest Research
Dasatinib treats resistant cases of CML
An experimental therapy that battles drug resistance in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) has proved "extremely effective" in fighting cancer, giving patients for whom all conventional therapies have failed another option, researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Cancer Center reported.
Jun 15, 2006 - 11:29:00 AM
Latest Research
HBZ protein enhance ability of HTLV-1 to establish persistent infection
A protein made by a cancer-causing virus using an unusual gene enables that virus to infect immune cells and persist in the host, new research shows. The study examines the function of a protein called HBZ, which is made by the human T cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1), a retrovirus and a distant cousin to HIV, the cause of AIDS.
Jun 12, 2006 - 7:56:00 PM
Latest Research
Gene expression signature for Burkitt lymphoma identified
An international research study involving the University of Nebraska Medical Center, the National Cancer Institute and 10 other institutions has successfully identified the gene expression signature for Burkitt lymphoma. The discovery, which is reported in the June 8 edition of The New England of Medicine, will allow physicians to better diagnose and treat Burkitt lymphoma and better distinguish it from another more common form of malignant lymphoma. Burkitt lymphoma is a rare aggressive B cell lymphoma that accounts for 30 to 50 percent of lymphomas in children but only 1 to 2 percent of lymphomas in adults. Burkitt lymphoma is rapidly fatal if untreated, but it is curable with intensive therapy. Burkitt lymphoma features a high degree of proliferation of the malignant cells and deregulation of the c-myc gene, which is characteristic of Burkitt lymphoma. The distinction between Burkitt lymphoma and diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), the most common form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma in adults, is critical, because the management of these two diseases differs. About 300 new cases of Burkitt lymphoma, typically in children, are diagnosed in the U.S. each year.
Jun 10, 2006 - 1:47:00 PM
Latest Research
Bcr-Abl mutation and the loss of Arf genes triggers an aggressive form of ALL
Investigators at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have used mouse models to determine why some forms of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are extremely aggressive and resist a drug that is effective in treating a different type of leukemia. The investigators found that the combination of a mutation called Bcr-Abl and the loss of both copies of the tumor suppressor gene Arf in bone marrow cells triggers an aggressive form of ALL. Inactivation of both Arf genes facilitated the multiplication of leukemic cells that did not respond to the drug imatinib (Gleevec®). Imatinib is already successfully used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), another blood cell cancer caused by the Bcr-Abl mutation.
Apr 20, 2006 - 4:46:00 PM
Latest Research
New simple and inexpensive test for follow-up of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
Investigators at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital have developed a relatively simple and inexpensive test that identifies children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who have responded well enough to their first round of chemotherapy that they might be successfully treated with a much less aggressive follow-up treatment.
Mar 30, 2006 - 3:14:00 PM
Latest Research
miRNAs abnormal signalling may lead to platelet-related leukemias
Scientists have identified a handful of microRNAs (miRNAs) that appear to play a significant role in the development of platelets blood cells critical to the bodys ability to form clots following an injury. They also say some of these same miRNAs, when acting abnormally, may contribute to certain forms of leukemia.
Mar 16, 2006 - 10:01:00 PM
Latest Research
DNA itself can act as a mutagen
When otherwise normal DNA adopts an unusual shape called Z-DNA, it can lead to the kind of genetic instability associated with cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma, according to a study by researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Feb 12, 2006 - 6:01:00 PM
Latest Research
New Drug VX-680 May Overcome Deadly Leukemia Mutation
HHMI researchers have discovered how a new generation of drugs thwarts a deadly mutation that causes chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).
Jan 20, 2006 - 10:08:00 PM
Latest Research
Garden insecticides may increase leukaemia risk
Household insecticides may increase the risk of leukemia, says a new study, reinforcing the theory that pesticide exposure may play a role in childhood acute leukaemia.
Jan 18, 2006 - 12:22:00 AM
Latest Research
Childhood leukaemia linked with household insecticides
Household insecticides may increase the risk of childhood leukaemia, suggests French research in Occupational and Environmental Medicine .
Jan 17, 2006 - 6:54:00 PM
Latest Research
The cure rate for ALL could reach 90 percent
The cure rate for the once almost universally fatal childhood cancer acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) could reach 90 percent in the near future, thanks to improvements in diagnosis and treatment over the past four decades, according to investigators at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Jan 12, 2006 - 5:21:00 AM
Latest Research
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
PCBs, Furans May Factor in Risk of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Scientists have found some additional evidence that environmental exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) may be associated with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, according to a study published in the December 1 issue of Cancer Research. By comparing blood levels of PCBs in 100 pairs of healthy volunteers and non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients, Anneclaire De Roos, Ph.D., assistant professor of epidemiology, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and colleagues determined that high levels of three specific molecular forms of PCBs are linked to an increased risk of developing cancer that starts in patients lymph tissue.
Dec 2, 2005 - 8:03:00 PM
Latest Research
Test Vaccine Effective for Follicular Lymphoma
A team of researchers has demonstrated the clinical efficacy and benefits of a vaccine for a type of blood cancer, follicular lymphoma, amongst first time relapse patients. Specialists from two University of Navarre centres the University Hospital and the Research Centre for Applied Medicine (CIMA) - have worked jointly since 2001 on the research.
Nov 11, 2005 - 12:58:00 AM
Latest Research
Treatment advances for follicular lymphoma have reduced deaths by 70%
New treatment advances for patients with follicular lymphoma, previously considered an incurable cancer, have reduced deaths in the first four years by 70 percent. A newly published study recommends that doctors carefully choose their patients' initial therapies because there are significant differences in overall survival rates, according to researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center's James P. Wilmot Cancer Center.
Oct 21, 2005 - 11:22:00 PM
Latest Research
Risk of Lymphoma Higher Among People With Family History of Hematopoietic Malignancy
A new study has confirmed the association between family history of hematopoietic malignancy--cancers of the blood or bone marrow, such as leukemia and lymphoma--and the most common types of lymphoma.
Oct 5, 2005 - 4:17:00 AM
Latest Research
New blood transplant method stops fatal side effect
Findings published in the Sept. 29 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine suggest that the new therapy pioneered at Stanford University School of Medicine has paid off for lymphoma and leukemia patients. Holmes became the 40th person to undergo this procedure after Stanford researchers had shown that it could boost the relative levels of regulatory T cells in the immune system of mice - an effect that turned out to be beneficial before undergoing a hematopoietic (blood) stem cell transplantation, a common treatment for blood cancers.
Sep 29, 2005 - 8:35:00 PM
Latest Research
MicroRNA genes are involved in CLL development
A new and unusual class of genes plays an important role in the development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), according to new research here. At the same time, these genes may provide a new form of therapy for the disease.
Sep 13, 2005 - 4:52:00 AM
Latest Research
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Tositumomab Brings New Hope for Refractory Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Health Canada has approved a new treatment that could offer hope for those who suffer from what is considered an incurable form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and who have failed on, or relapsed following, other treatments. Health Canada approved Bexxar(TM) (tositumomab and iodine I 131 tositumomab) therapy for the treatment of patients with CD20 positive relapsed or refractory, low grade, follicular, or transformed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, including patients with rituximab- refractory NHL.
Sep 10, 2005 - 11:02:00 PM
Latest Research
AMD-3100 May Help Cancer Patients in Need of Stem Cell Transplants
A new drug may help cancer patients mobilize the cells necessary to restore their blood-forming system after high-dose chemotherapy, according to results from a clinical trial at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia and at other centers across the nation.
Sep 9, 2005 - 3:54:00 PM
Latest Research
Multiple Myeloma
Lenalidomide & dexamethasone combination shows promise for multiple myeloma treatment
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center investigators report that combination therapy with lenalidomide (RevlimidTM) and dexamethasone (combination is called Rev/Dex) looks like a breakthrough treatment for multiple myeloma. Results of a Phase II clinical trial were published online Aug. 23 in Blood.
Sep 4, 2005 - 7:16:00 AM
Latest Research
Viral protein vFLIP K13 of HHV8 appear to cause lymphoma
A protein previously thought to merely hinder the activity of a key cellular protein linked to cancer cell death, now appears to mimic the cellular signaling of that protein; potentially leading to the development of lymphoma. The findings, published in the Aug. 22 online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), demonstrate that a viral protein associated with human herpesvirus 8, or HHV8, may help to cause lymphoma by activating a key pathway involved in the production of lymphocytes, a common cell type found in lymphoid tissue that divide over and over and eventually develop into lymphoma.
Aug 23, 2005 - 8:22:00 PM
Latest Research
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
People who drink alcohol have a lower risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL)
People who drink alcohol have a lower risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) than non-drinkers, researchers at Yale's Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (EPH) write in an article published in Lancet Oncology.
Aug 15, 2005 - 8:26:00 PM
Latest Research
REVLIMID gets Priority Review Status for the Treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Celgene Corporation announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted a Priority Review designation to its New Drug Application (NDA) for REVLIMID with a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) date by October 7, 2005. The Company is seeking approval to market REVLIMID as a targeted treatment for transfusion-dependent patients with low- and intermediate-risk myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with deletion 5q chromosomal abnormality.
Jun 21, 2005 - 9:25:00 PM
Latest Research
VX-680 : An Aurora Kinase Inhibitor Enters an Additional Phase I Study for its Use in Hematologic Cancers
Merck & Co, Inc and Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated announced the initiation of an additional Phase I clinical study with VX-680, a small molecule inhibitor of Aurora kinases. The two-part, open-label, dose escalation study is designed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of VX-680 when administered over a five-day treatment cycle in patients with hematologic cancers.
Jun 20, 2005 - 10:52:00 AM
Latest Research
Genes linked to treatment resistance in leukemia
Today, the most common childhood cancer is cured in about 80 percent of patients; only forty years ago, this number was closer to five percent. In efforts to further increase the survival rate, researchers from St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, the University of Tennessee, and the University of Chicago studied how an individual's genetics might play a role in the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. Their findings will be published in the June 15, 2005, issue of Blood, the official journal of the American Society of Hematology.
Jun 4, 2005 - 2:07:00 AM
Latest Research
Multiple Myeloma
Novel combination overcomes drug-resistant myeloma
A novel strategy devised by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists has proved highly effective in killing drug-resistant multiple myeloma cells in the laboratory and could open a new form of attack on the deadly blood cancer, they report.
Jun 3, 2005 - 4:51:00 PM
Latest Research
Possible link between leukaemia and overhead power lines
Children living close to high voltage overhead power lines at birth may be at an increased risk of leukaemia, finds a large study in this week's BMJ.
Jun 3, 2005 - 4:47:00 PM
Latest Research
Removing the spleen may help fight leukemia
Early surgical removal of the spleen combined with antiangiogenic cancer therapy may halt the progression of leukemia, according to scientists at Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre.
Jun 2, 2005 - 4:05:00 PM
Latest Research
FDA Gives Clearance to GRN163L for Treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Geron Corporation (Nasdaq:GERN) announced today that it has obtained clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to initiate clinical testing of its lead anti-cancer compound, GRN163L, in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). The company filed its first Investigational New Drug Application (IND) for GRN163L in April 2005.
May 23, 2005 - 8:20:00 PM
Latest Research
Lenalidomide Can Replace Blood Transfusions in Bone Marrow Disorder
A new study reports that the drug lenalidomide (RevLimid) can help some patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) avoid the need for blood transfusions, and even reduce or eliminate the genetic abnormality that characterizes the disease in this subset of patients.
May 18, 2005 - 1:45:00 AM
Latest Research
Oblimersen Shows Promising Results in Older Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Researchers from Ohio University, University of Chicago, the National Cancer Institute and Genta, Inc. have reported a promising phase I study of Genasense (oblimersen) in untreated older patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The details of this study appeared as an advanced on-line publication in the Journal of Clinical Oncology on April 11, 2005.
May 6, 2005 - 10:20:00 AM
Latest Research
FDA to Discuss the Efficacy of Tipifarnib in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
The efficacy rate of Johnson & Johnson's oncologic Zarnestra (tipifarnib) in acute myeloid leukemia is likely to be the focus of discussion in FDA's Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee's review on May 5.
May 5, 2005 - 6:53:00 AM
Latest Research
Day Care in Infancy Protects Against Childhood Leukaemia
Children who attend day care centres on a regular basis in the first few months of life are less likely to develop leukaemia than children who do not, finds a study published online by the BMJ today.
Apr 29, 2005 - 2:29:00 PM
Latest Research
Pathways leading to childhood leukaemia identified
The leading UK leukaemia research charity (LRF) reveals today (Friday) that major sign-posts along the pathways leading to childhood leukaemia have been identified.
Apr 25, 2005 - 7:32:00 PM
Latest Research
Multiple Myeloma
Bortezomib Based Therapies may Become the New Standard of Care in Multiple Myeloma
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: MLNM - News) today announced the presentation of positive clinical results for VELCADE in treating patients across the multiple myeloma (MM) treatment paradigm at the 10th Annual International Myeloma Workshop (IMW) in Sydney, Australia. Data regarding the use of VELCADE as a single agent and in combination with standard and emerging MM therapies were reported at the meeting.
Apr 14, 2005 - 8:57:00 PM
Latest Research
Lenalidomide: A Novel Class of Immunomodulatory Drugs for Treatment of Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Celgene Corporation (Nasdaq: CELG - News) announced that it has completed the rolling submission of its New Drug Application (NDA) for REVLIMID (lenalidomide), an investigational drug, to the Division of Oncology Drug Products at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for review. The Company's NDA is seeking approval to market REVLIMID as a treatment for transfusion-dependent patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with a 5q deletion chromosomal abnormality.
Apr 9, 2005 - 10:31:00 AM
Latest Research
Tipifarnib to be Reviewed for its Indication in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
The Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee will review Johnson & Johnsons Zarnestra (tipifarnib) May 5.
J&J is seeking an indication for treatment of patients 65 years and older with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia.
Apr 6, 2005 - 7:03:00 AM
Latest Research
Genetically Modified Natural killer ( NK ) Cells can be Used to Kill Leukemic Cells
Natural killer ( NK ) immune system cells can be genetically modified to brandish a powerful "on-switch" that prompts them to aggressively attack and kill leukemic cells. This finding, from researchers at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, suggests a way to improve the outcome of children who receive treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia ( ALL ) or other blood cancers.
Mar 29, 2005 - 9:25:00 AM
Latest Research
Genetically Enhanced NK cells developed to Eradicate Leukemia Cells
Natural killer (NK) immune system cells can be genetically modified to brandish a powerful "on-switch" that prompts them to aggressively attack and kill leukemic cells. This finding, from researchers at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, suggests a way to improve the outcome of children who receive treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) or other blood cancers.
Mar 27, 2005 - 4:15:00 PM
Health |
Gathering information about food is not top priority for individuals with high metabolisms
NIH renews funding for University of Maryland vaccine research
DHA-enriched formula in infancy linked to positive cognitive outcomes in childhood
New IOM report lays out plan to determine effectiveness of obesity prevention efforts
Vitamin D supplementation may delay precocious puberty in girls
Study: Pedometer program helps motivate participants to sit less, move more
Fish oil may stall effects of junk food on brain
Intake of low energy dense food better than skipping meals
Inaugural IOF Olof Johnell Science Award presented to Professor Harry Genant
Molecular hub links obesity, heart disease to high blood pressure
 | Healthcare |
Healthcare experts from UK and India meet at the UK Parliament to discuss ways to improve health care in India, UK
Flu pandemic infected one in five
Stigma preventing leprosy-cured from getting jobs
Measles, Mumps make a comeback in US
Melinda Gates calls on Akhilesh Yadav
'Movies, TV impact tobacco users more than newspapers'
Rockland to open three new hospitals in NCR
Spice Global enters healthcare business with hospital in Delhi
Delhi to expedite recruitment of doctors
India adds spice to US life, keeps it healthy
 | Latest Research |
How do consumers see a product when they hear music?
Drug activates virus against cancer
Bone loss associated with increased production of ROS
Sound preconditioning prevents ototoxic drug-induced hearing loss in mice
Crystal methamphetamine use by street youth increases risk of injecting drugs
Johns Hopkins-led study shows increased life expectancy among family caregivers
Moderate to severe psoriasis linked to chronic kidney disease, say experts
Licensing deal marks coming of age for University of Washington, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Simple blood or urine test to identify blinding disease
Physician job satisfaction driven by quality of patient care
 | Medical News |
NHRC issues notice to Kerala over infant deaths
Advanced breast cancer detecting machine comes to India
'Dispel myths about vitiligo'
NHRC summons Odisha chief secretary
Woman dies of swine flu in UP
Maharashtra, GE to modernise rural health care
Hypertension: India's silent killer
Need cautious effort to eradicate polio: Experts
Ayurveda experts develop online personalised health regimen
Soon a detailed study on 'diabesity': Doctors
 | Special Topics |
MPs express anguish at Delhi gang-rape, Shinde assures fast trial
Worrying rise in number of medical students in prostitution over last 10 years
Behold India's unfolding democratic revolution
Chinese woman cuts open her belly to save surgery cost
Improved Sense of Smell Produced Smarter Mammals
Two-year-old world's first to have extra DNA strand
172,155 kidney stones removed from one patient!
'Primodial Soup' theory for origin of life rejected in paper
Human species could have killed Neanderthal man
History, geography also seem to shape our genome
