Kalam visualises a prosperous India before 2020 Mar 19, 2007 - 11:07:13 PM
Painting a rosy picture, Kalam said India would provide quality healthcare access at an affordable cost to all people including those living in remote areas.
By IANS, [RxPG] New Delhi, March 19 - Envisioning a prosperous India 'well before the year 2020', President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Monday said the country was set to take rapid strides in human development and banish poverty.
'I visualise a prosperous India well before the year 2020. We expect the people below the poverty line to come to near zero and our literacy must be nearly 100 percent. The Human Development Index of India will be less than 50 against the present 127,' Kalam said while addressing students at the Shri Ram College of Commerce - here.
He said every Indian would have either a good university degree or quality training with globally competitive employable vocational skill. E-governance would be in position for all Government-to-Government - and Government-to-Citizens - transactions making the governance system transparent with a national ID card in position.
'Tele-density will reach over 75 percent. All our villages will have reliable, uninterrupted quality electric power supply. 600,000 villages will have all three connectivities such as physical connectivity, electronic connectivity, and knowledge connectivity leading to economic connectivity,' he said.
'In Indian history, very rarely has our nation come across a situation, all at a time, an ascending economic trajectory, continuously rising foreign exchange reserves, reduced rate of inflation, global recognition of our technological competence, energy of 540 million youth, umbilical connectivities of 20 million people of Indian origin in various parts of the planet, with the potential sharing capacity of knowledge and resources and interest shown by many developed countries to invest in our engineers and scientists including setting up of new research and development centres.'
The interlinking of rivers and water bodies and use of technology for water collection, water recycling and water management will result in equitable distribution of water for drinking, irrigation, industry, navigation and as natural beauty, he said.
'Good sanitation facilities will be available in homes in every part of India and for all Indians and tourists. We will be using more of renewable energy such as solar energy, wind power, bio-mass, mini and micro hydel and thorium based nuclear reactors which are environment friendly energy sources,' he hoped.
Painting a rosy picture, Kalam said India would provide quality healthcare access at an affordable cost to all people including those living in remote areas.
'I am sure you will all see prosperity in the country, which will replace scarcity and controls. India will also have a visible global presence in strategic sectors and will contribute to world peace.'