Last Updated: Dec 17, 2014 - 4:39:08 AM |
Latest Research
Sound preconditioning prevents ototoxic drug-induced hearing loss in mice
The death of sensory hair cells in the ear results in irreversible hearing loss. Several classes of drugs, including aminoglycoside antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs are known to kill hair cells; however, in many cases the benefit of using the drug outweighs the potential for hearing loss. Previous research has shown that a class of proteins induced in response to cell stress, the heat shock proteins (HSPs), can protect against sensory hair cell death in response to ototoxic drugs. Despite understanding how HSPs protect the hair cells of the inner ear, there are no current therapies to induce expression of or deliver HSP directly to the inner ear.
Oct 15, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
$12 million for a center for research on aphasia
EVANSTON, Ill. --- Northwestern University has received a $12 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish a center devoted to research on aphasia, a devastating language disorder that essentially robs the brain of language.
Mar 26, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Mount Sinai awarded more than $5 million from NIH to study neurological voice disorder
Kristina Simonyan, MD, PhD, from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, has received more than $5 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study spasmodic dysphonia (SD), a neurological disorder characterized by vocal cord spasms. Dr. Simonyan is studying the causes and disease pathology of SD in hopes of identifying new drug targets to address a significant unmet need for treatments in people with this debilitating disorder.
Mar 11, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Teaching the brain to speak again
Cynthia Thompson, a world-renowned researcher on stroke and brain damage, will discuss her groundbreaking research on aphasia and the neurolinguistic systems it affects Feb. 16 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). An estimated one million Americans suffer from aphasia, affecting their ability to understand and/or produce spoken and/or written language.
Feb 16, 2013 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study to test whether hearing aids can help prevent falls
UT Dallas researchers are recruiting patients for a new study aimed at determining a connection between hearing deficits and the likelihood of falls.
Feb 6, 2013 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Speech-language researcher awarded top honors
Dr. Christine Dollaghan, a professor in UT Dallas' Callier Center for Communication Disorders, received the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's (ASHA) top award during this fall's national convention.
Dec 6, 2012 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
A comparison of 2 home exercises to treat vertigo
AURORA, Colo. (April 23, 2012) A CU School of Medicine researcher who suffers from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and had to fix it before she could go to work one day was using a maneuver to treat herself that only made her sicker. So I sat down and thought about it and figured out an alternate way to do it. Then I fixed myself and went in to work and discovered a new treatment for this type of vertigo.
Apr 23, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study compares traits of autism, schizophrenia
A UT Dallas professor is studying the differences between the social impairments found in autism and schizophrenia to help develop better treatments for people with both disorders.
Feb 28, 2012 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
2-year-old children understand complex grammar
Psychologists at the University of Liverpool have found that children as young as two years old have an understanding of complex grammar even before they have learned to speak in full sentences.
Aug 23, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New polymer gel may restore vocal cords
A polymer gel, developed by scientists, could be implanted into scarred vocal cords to restore their normal functioning.
Jul 15, 2011 - 1:15:02 PM
Latest Research
Hearing loss rate in older adults climbs to more than 60 percent in national survey
Nearly two-thirds of Americans age 70 and older have hearing loss, but those who are of black race seem to have a protective effect against this loss, according to a new study led by Johns Hopkins and National Institute on Aging researchers. These findings, published online Feb. 28 in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, provide what is believed to be the first nationally representative survey in older adults on this often ignored and underreported condition.
Feb 28, 2011 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
2 drugs protect hearing better than 1
Whether on a battlefield, in a factory or at a rock concert, noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common hazards people face.
Feb 23, 2011 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Award to honor pivotal career in speech research
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has announced plans to award Dr. Emily Tobey of UT Dallas its prestigious Honors of the Association for her pioneering research and academic leadership.
Oct 15, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Southampton to conduct UK's first cochlear implant operation to give sound in both ears
The UK's first operation to fit a single cochlear implant capable of giving sound in both ears takes place this Friday (27 August), thanks to the work of the South of England Cochlear Implant Centre (SOECIC), based at the University of Southampton.
Aug 26, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Tinnitus study looks for cure to 'ringing in the ears'
The NIH has granted a University of Texas at Dallas researcher and a university-affiliated biomedical firm $1.7 million to investigate whether nerve stimulation offers a long-term cure for tinnitus.
Aug 11, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Genetic modifier in Usher syndrome will lead to better diagnosis
Gothenburg, Sweden: Usher syndrome (USH), an inherited condition involving both hearing and vision loss, is not a simply recessively inherited disease, a scientist will tell the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics today (Saturday). Dr. Hanno Bolz, Associate Medical Director of the Bioscientia Centre for Human Genetics, Ingelheim, Germany, and active in teaching and research at the University Hospital of Cologne, will say that his team's research challenges the traditional view that USH was inherited as a single gene disorder, and shows that it may result from at least two different genetic mutations. This could lead to more accurate diagnosis of this condition, which is responsible for up to 10% of all cases of childhood deafness and 50% of all deaf/blindness in adults.
Jun 11, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
A recipe for hearing: Sensory hair cells made from stem cells
After ten years of effort, researchers reporting in the May 14th issue of the journal Cell, a Cell Press publication, say they have found a way to coax embryonic stem cells as well as reprogrammed adult cells to develop into sensory cells that normally reside in the mammalian inner ear. Those mechanosensitive sensory hair cells are the linchpin of hearing and balance.
May 13, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Increased risk of hearing loss with regular analgesic use
In a study published in the March 2010 issue of The American Journal of Medicine, researchers determined that regular use of aspirin, acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) increases the risk of hearing loss in men, particularly in younger men, below age 60.
Mar 1, 2010 - 12:48:22 PM
Latest Research
Specialists in hearing, HIV come together to study AIDS patients
Specialists in HIV and in hearing at the University of Rochester Medical Center are teaming up to measure the hearing of people with AIDS.
Nov 3, 2009 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Lehigh researcher awarded $1.8 million NIH grant
BETHLEHEM, PA, March 17, 2009 -- Lehigh University assistant professor of neuroscience Michael Burger has been awarded a $1.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders for his research entitled Efferent Inhibitory Mechanisms in Binaural Processing. The five-year grant will allow Burger to build upon the preliminary data he first collected under a grant he received from the Deafness Research Foundation for his work on Efferent Function in Sound Localization Processing.
Mar 17, 2009 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New iPod listening study shows surprising behavior of teens
A new study involving iPods and teenagers by the University of Colorado at Boulder and Children's Hospital Boston indicates teenagers who receive pressure from their peers or others to turn down the volume of their iPods instead turn them up higher.
Feb 18, 2009 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
UQ research finds speech disorders can be assessed from a distance
There should be no barriers to providing high-quality speech pathology services, according to University of Queensland PhD graduate Dr Anne Hill.
Jan 11, 2009 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
A new comprehensive clinical guideline for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
The American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF) will issue a comprehensive clinical guideline to help healthcare practitioners identify and treat patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), one of the most common underlying conditions that cause dizziness. The guideline emphasizes evidence-based recommendations on managing BPPV, the most common vestibular (inner ear) disorder in adults.
Nov 1, 2008 - 3:52:08 AM
Latest Research
Seniors with vocal problems want treatment but aren't getting it
DURHAM, N.C. -- The breathy, hoarse voice of senior citizens is often thought to be a normal sign of aging. But doctors at the Duke Voice Care Center say that's a false perception that needs to change. And they've discovered that it may partially explain why seniors who want treatment for the condition aren't seeking it.
Sep 23, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
15 years later: Landmark hearing study follows up on farm youth
(MARSHFIELD, Wis.) A landmark study conducted by Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation (MCRF) 15 years ago found that an educational intervention improved hearing protection use among farm youth.
Sep 12, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study aims to improve sex education for deaf pupils
British parents are to be quizzed about their children's sex education in a unique study that hopes to improve the way the subject is taught to deaf pupils.
Jun 11, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Gene therapy involving antibiotics may help patients with Usher syndrome
Barcelona, Spain: A new approach to treating vision loss caused by Type 1 Usher syndrome (USH1), the most common condition affecting both sight and hearing, will be unveiled by a scientist at the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics tomorrow (Tuesday 3 June). Ms Annie Rebibo Sabbah, from the Genetics Department of the Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel, will tell the conference that preliminary results using a class of drugs called aminoglycosides, commonly used as antibiotics, had had promising effects in vitro and in cell culture.
Jun 2, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Zebrafish may help solve ringing in vets' ears
CHICAGO -- Ernest Moore, an audiologist and cell biologist at Northwestern University, developed tinnitus -- a chronic ringing and whooshing sound in his ears -- twenty years ago after serving in the U.S. Army reserves medical corps. His hearing was damaged by the crack of too many M16 rifles and artillery explosions. He suspects his hearing also suffered from hunting opossum with rifles as a kid on his grandmother's farm in Tennessee.
Apr 30, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Lend me your ears -- and the world will sound very different
Recognising people, objects or animals by the sound they make is an important survival skill and something most of us take for granted. But very similar objects can physically make very dissimilar sounds and we are able to pick up subtle clues about the identity and source of the sound. Scientists funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) are working out how the human ear and the brain come together to help us understand our acoustic environment. They have found that the part of the brain that deals with sound, the auditory cortex, is adapted in each individual and tuned to the world around us. We learn throughout our lives how to localise and identify different sounds. It means that if you could hear the world through someone else's ears it would sound very different to what you are used to.
Jan 13, 2008 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Scientists search for brain center responsible for tinnitus
BUFFALO, N.Y. -- For the more than 50 million Americans who experience the phantom sounds of tinnitus -- ringing in the ears that can range from annoying to debilitating -- certain well-trained rats may be their best hope for finding relief.
Oct 5, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Music training linked to enhanced verbal skills
EVANSTON, Ill. --- Music training, with its pervasive effects on the nervous system�s ability to process sight and sound, may be more important for enhancing verbal communication skills than learning phonics, according to a new Northwestern University study.
Sep 24, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sensitivity of brain center for 'sound space' defined
While the visual regions of the brain have been intensively mapped, many important regions for auditory processing remain �uncharted territory.� Now, researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and elsewhere have identified a region responsible for a key auditory process � perceiving �sound space,� the location of sounds, even when the listener is not concentrating on those sounds.
Sep 20, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Brain center for 'sound space' identified
While the visual regions of the brain have been intensively mapped, many important regions for auditory processing remain terra incognita. Now, researchers have identified the region responsible for a key auditory process�perceiving �sound space,� the location of sounds. The findings settle a controversy in earlier studies that failed to establish the auditory region, called the planum temporale, as responsible for perceiving auditory space.
Sep 19, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Researcher developing new method for hearing loss assessment
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - A Purdue University researcher is working on a new technique to diagnose hearing loss in a way that more accurately reflects real-world situations.
Sep 6, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
'Holy Grail' of hearing: True identity of pivotal hearing structure is revealed
Our ability to hear is made possible by way of a Rube Goldberg-style process in which sound vibrations entering the ear shake and jostle a successive chain of structures until, lo and behold, they are converted into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain. Exactly how the electrical signal is generated has been the subject of ongoing research interest.
Sep 5, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New study finds infant hearing test results may predict sudden infant death syndrome
SEATTLE: July 26, 2007 One of the greatest medical mysteries of our time has taken a leap forward in medical understanding with new study results announced by Dr. Daniel D. Rubens of Childrens Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle. Rubens study published in July, 2007 in Early Human Development found all babies in a Rhode Island study group who died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) universally shared the same distinctive difference in their newborn hearing test results for the right inner ear, when compared to infants who did not have SIDS. This is the first time doctors might be able to identify newborns at risk for SIDS by a simple, affordable and routine hearing test administered shortly after birth. In the study, medical records and hearing tests of 31 babies who died from SIDS in Rhode Island were examined and compared to healthy babies. Rhode Island has a particularly robust database of newborn hearing test data.
Jul 26, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Ability to listen to 2 things at once is largely inherited, says twin study
Your ability to listen to a phone message in one ear while a friend is talking into your other ear?and comprehend what both are saying?is an important communication skill that?s heavily influenced by your genes, say researchers of the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), one of the National Institutes of Health. The finding, published in the August 2007 issue of Human Genetics, may help researchers better understand a broad and complex group of disorders?called auditory processing disorders (APDs)?in which individuals with otherwise normal hearing ability have trouble making sense of the sounds around them.
Jul 17, 2007 - 6:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Nearly 90 percent of babies receive recommended newborn screening tests
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., JULY 11, 2007 Nearly 90 percent of all babies born in the United States more than double the percentage in 2005 live in states that require screening for at least 21 life-threatening disorders, according to the latest March of Dimes Newborn Screening Report Card.
Jul 10, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Global community listens to TAU genetic researcher at EU Conference on Hearing Loss
Paris -- Prof. Karen Avraham, chair of the department of human molecular genetics and biochemistry at Tel Aviv Universitys Sackler School of Medicine, represented EuroHear, a consortium of 25 European, Israeli and U.K.-based research teams, at the European Union conference Hearing and Seeing: European Research to Fight Deafness and Blindness, held at Pariss College de France on July 2-3, 2007.
Jul 9, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study examines cause of hearing loss for patients with certain genetic disease
Patients with the genetic disorder von Hippel-Lindau disease may suddenly experience hearing loss because of a tumor-associated hemorrhage in the inner ear, according to a study in the July 4 issue of JAMA.
Jul 3, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Difficulty identifying odors may predict cognitive decline
Older adults who have difficulty identifying common odors may have a greater risk of developing problems with thinking, learning and memory, according to a report in the July issue of Archives of General Psychiatry, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Jul 2, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Promising results from first gene therapy clinical trial for Parkinson's disease reported
NEW YORK (June 21, 2007) -- In what could be a breakthrough in the treatment of neurological disease, a team led by physician-scientists at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center has completed the first-ever phase 1 clinical trial using gene therapy to battle Parkinson's disease.
Jun 21, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Bird song study gives clues to human stuttering
HOUSTON and NEW YORK -- Researchers at the Methodist Neurological Institute (NI) in Houston and Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City used functional MRI to determine that songbirds have a pronounced right-brain response to the sound of songs, establishing a foundational study for future research on songbird models of speech disorders such as stuttering, as reported today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A.
Jun 11, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Mother mice more attuned to pup sounds than others
Researchers have shown for the first time that the behavioral context in which communication sounds are heard affects the brain's ability to detect, discriminate and ultimately respond to them. Specifically, the researchers found that the auditory neurons of female mice that had given birth were better at detecting and discriminating vocalizations from mouse pups than the auditory neurons in virgin females.
Jun 11, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
A wider range of sounds for the deaf
ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- More than three decades ago, scientists pursued the then-radical idea of implanting tiny electronic hearing devices in the inner ear to help profoundly deaf people. An even bolder alternative that promised superior results implanting a device directly in the auditory nerve was set aside as too difficult, given the technology of the day.
Jun 8, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Some children are born with 'temporary deafness' and do not require cochlear implant
Clinical research conducted in the Department of Communication Disorders at the University of Haifa revealed that some children who are born deaf recover from their deafness and do not require surgical intervention. To date, most babies who are born deaf are referred for a cochlear implant. Many parents will say to me: 'My child hears; if I call him, he responds'. Nobody listens to them because diagnostic medical equipment did not register any hearing. It seems that these parents are smarter than our equipment, said Prof. Joseph Attias, a neurophysiologist and audiologist in the Department of Communication Disorders at the University of Haifa, who made the discovery.
May 16, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study shows isolation of stem cells may lead to a treatment for hearing loss
CLEVELAND, OH -- Have you ever walked by someone listening to their i-Pod loud enough for you recognize the song? Studies have shown noise-induced hearing loss is going to become the next big epidemic affecting our younger generation though the effects wont show until it is too late to treat. In addition to loud noise, certain cancer drugs or genetic factors can cause hearing loss in humans due to loss or faulty development of the sensory microphones (hair cells) inside the ear the cochlea. Lost hair cells are not replaced and people exposed to these conditions face permanent hearing loss. Identification of the stem cells from the adult cochlea would be a major step forward to develop new therapeutic approaches to hearing loss.
Apr 5, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
One membrane, many frequencies
Modern hearing aids, though quite sophisticated, still do not faithfully reproduce sound as hearing people perceive it. New findings at the Weizmann Institute of Science shed light on a crucial mechanism for discerning different sound frequencies and thus may have implications for the design of better hearing aids.
Mar 27, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Hearing Imapirment
Anti-epileptics can prevent permanent hearing loss, study reports
On the battlefield, a soldier's hearing can be permanently damaged in an instant by the boom of an explosion, and thousands of soldiers returning from Iraq have some permanent hearing loss. But what if soldiers could take a pill before going on duty that would prevent damage to hearing?
Mar 14, 2007 - 8:31:28 AM
Latest Research
Research finds music training 'tunes' human auditory system
EVANSTON, Ill. -- A newly published study by Northwestern University researchers suggests that Mom was right when she insisted that you continue music lessons -- even after it was clear that a professional music career was not in your future.
Mar 12, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Health |
Gathering information about food is not top priority for individuals with high metabolisms
NIH renews funding for University of Maryland vaccine research
DHA-enriched formula in infancy linked to positive cognitive outcomes in childhood
New IOM report lays out plan to determine effectiveness of obesity prevention efforts
Vitamin D supplementation may delay precocious puberty in girls
Study: Pedometer program helps motivate participants to sit less, move more
Fish oil may stall effects of junk food on brain
Intake of low energy dense food better than skipping meals
Inaugural IOF Olof Johnell Science Award presented to Professor Harry Genant
Molecular hub links obesity, heart disease to high blood pressure
 | Healthcare |
Healthcare experts from UK and India meet at the UK Parliament to discuss ways to improve health care in India, UK
Flu pandemic infected one in five
Stigma preventing leprosy-cured from getting jobs
Measles, Mumps make a comeback in US
Melinda Gates calls on Akhilesh Yadav
'Movies, TV impact tobacco users more than newspapers'
Rockland to open three new hospitals in NCR
Spice Global enters healthcare business with hospital in Delhi
Delhi to expedite recruitment of doctors
India adds spice to US life, keeps it healthy
 | Latest Research |
How do consumers see a product when they hear music?
Drug activates virus against cancer
Bone loss associated with increased production of ROS
Sound preconditioning prevents ototoxic drug-induced hearing loss in mice
Crystal methamphetamine use by street youth increases risk of injecting drugs
Johns Hopkins-led study shows increased life expectancy among family caregivers
Moderate to severe psoriasis linked to chronic kidney disease, say experts
Licensing deal marks coming of age for University of Washington, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Simple blood or urine test to identify blinding disease
Physician job satisfaction driven by quality of patient care
 | Medical News |
NHRC issues notice to Kerala over infant deaths
Advanced breast cancer detecting machine comes to India
'Dispel myths about vitiligo'
NHRC summons Odisha chief secretary
Woman dies of swine flu in UP
Maharashtra, GE to modernise rural health care
Hypertension: India's silent killer
Need cautious effort to eradicate polio: Experts
Ayurveda experts develop online personalised health regimen
Soon a detailed study on 'diabesity': Doctors
 | Special Topics |
MPs express anguish at Delhi gang-rape, Shinde assures fast trial
Worrying rise in number of medical students in prostitution over last 10 years
Behold India's unfolding democratic revolution
Chinese woman cuts open her belly to save surgery cost
Improved Sense of Smell Produced Smarter Mammals
Two-year-old world's first to have extra DNA strand
172,155 kidney stones removed from one patient!
'Primodial Soup' theory for origin of life rejected in paper
Human species could have killed Neanderthal man
History, geography also seem to shape our genome
