
Last Updated: Nov 2, 2013 - 11:52:55 AM |
Latest Research
4 UCLA stem cell researchers receive CIRM Early Translational grants
Four researchers from UCLA's Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research have received Early Translational Research Awards totaling approximately $13 million from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the state's stem cell agency. The UCLA researchers received four of the 12 total awards; no other institution received more than one.
Sep 3, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Genetics defines a distinct liver disease
Researchers have newly associated nine genetic regions with a rare autoimmune disease of the liver known as primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). This brings the total number of genetic regions associated with the disease to 16.
Apr 21, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
EASL publishes first comprehensive literature review on the burden of liver disease in Europe
Brussels and Geneva, 20th February 2013 --- Major progress has been made in the past 30 years in the knowledge and management of liver disease, yet approximately 29 million Europeans still suffer from a chronic liver condition.
Feb 21, 2013 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
NIH launches free database of drugs associated with liver injury
A free source of evidence-based information for health care professionals and for researchers studying liver injury associated with prescription and over-the-counter drugs, herbals, and dietary supplements is now available from the National Institutes of Health. Researchers and health care professionals can use the LiverTox database to identify basic and clinical research questions to be answered and to chart optimal ways to diagnose and control drug-induced liver injury.
Oct 12, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Genetic clues to the causes of primary biliary cirrhosis!
Researchers have newly identified three genetic regions associated with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), the most common autoimmune liver disease, increasing the number of known regions associated with the disorder to 25.
Sep 9, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
GCKR and PNLPA3 genetic variants acting in combination may confer susceptibility to fatty liver disease in obese children
A study, published in the March issue of Hepatology, a journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, found the genetic variant Patatin-like phospholipase domain containing protein-3 (PNPLA3) acting in conjunction with the glucokinase regulatory protein (GCKR) is associated with increased susceptibility to fatty liver disease in obese children.
Mar 23, 2012 - 8:42:13 AM
Latest Research
NSF grant will aid Wayne State professors' mathematical modeling of fatty liver predictors
Detroit - Predicting problems in one of the body's most complex organs soon may become easier because of work being done by Wayne State University researchers.
Jan 19, 2012 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
The economic cost of advanced liver disease
Health care costs for hepatitis C patients with end-stage liver disease are nearly 2.5 times higher than those in the early stages, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study.
Nov 7, 2011 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Celiac patients face potential hazard as information on cosmetic ingredients difficult to find
Washington, DC -- The lack of readily available information about cosmetic ingredients may cause patients with celiac disease who use lip, facial or body products to unknowingly expose themselves to gluten -- an ingredient they need to avoid, according to the results of a new study unveiled today at the American College of Gastroenterology's (ACG) 76th Annual Scientific meeting in Washington, DC.
Oct 31, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Liver cancer incidence lower in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease than hepatitis C
Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis have a lower incidence of liver-related complications and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) than patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), according to the prospective study published in the October issue of Hepatology, a journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Patients with both NAFLD and HCV had similar mortality rates.
Sep 27, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
FDA grants cardiotrophin-1 Orphan Drug status for acute liver failure treatment to Digna Biotech
Digna Biotech, a Spanish biotechnological company, announces that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1) Orphan Drug status for use in the treatment of acute liver failure (Designation request 11-3507).
Sep 22, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New gene sites affecting nonalcoholic fatty liver disease discovered
NAFLD is a condition where fat accumulates in the liver (steatosis) and can lead to liver inflammation (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH) and permanent liver damage (fibrosis/cirrhosis). NAFLD affects anywhere from 11% to 45% of some populations and is associated with obesity, hypertension, and problems regulating serum lipids or glucose.
Mar 10, 2011 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New vaccine technology protects mice from hepatitis C virus
Immunology: Three percent of the world's population is currently infected by hepatitis C. The virus hides in the liver and can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer, and it's the most frequent cause of liver transplants in Denmark. Since the virus mutates strongly, we have no traditional vaccine, but researchers at the University of Copenhagen are now the first to succeed in developing a vaccine, which provides future hope for medical protection from this type of hepatitis.
Feb 23, 2011 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Y-90 radioembolization offers promise for late-stage liver cancer
INDIANAPOLIS -- The latest weapon against inoperable liver cancer is so tiny that it takes millions of them per treatment, but according to interventional radiologists at the Indiana University School of Medicine, those microscopic spheres really pack a therapeutic punch.
Dec 14, 2010 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Liver hormone is a cause of insulin resistance
Researchers have identified a hormone produced and secreted by the liver as a previously unknown cause of insulin resistance. The findings, in the November issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication, suggest a new target for the treatment of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, the researchers say.
Nov 2, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Increased mortality risk in later years in obese children following Liver transplantation
A new study from the University of Washington reported obese children are at increased mortality risk in later years following primary liver transplantation (LT).
Oct 28, 2010 - 6:27:35 PM
Latest Research
Some patients with hepatitis B faring better after liver transplant
ROCHESTER, Minn. -- Treatment to reduce recurrence of hepatitis B appears to improve liver transplant outcomes for some patients, according to a Mayo Clinic study presented at the American Transplant Congress under way May 1-5 in San Diego.
May 4, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study shows liver transplant center impacts patient outcomes
ROCHESTER, Minn. -- For patients in need of a liver transplant, their choice of a transplant center can make a noteworthy difference in their outcomes, according to a Mayo Clinic study presented at the American Transplant Congress under way May 1-5 in San Diego.
May 2, 2010 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Extracorporeal liver support therapy shows promise for severely ill patients
Results from two studies presented on 16th April 2010 at the International Liver Congress 2010 have shown that treatment with extracorporeal devices may not confer a survival advantage for severe liver failure patients, despite positive dialysis effects. However, results among a small sub-group of patients show promise.
Apr 18, 2010 - 12:49:40 PM
Latest Research
Putting a name to the fluke
In a world first, a UQ researcher has developed a non-invasive screening method for potentially fatal liver and intestinal flukes plaguing the lives of an estimated 9 million people throughout southeast Asia.
Feb 11, 2009 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Factors for developing IPF in Hepatitis C patients
There is little or no information on the yearly cumulative incidence and risk factors on the development rate of Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in patients with HCV.A research team led by Yasuji Arase from Toranomon Hospital of Japan addresses this, and the study will be published on October 14, 2008 in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.
Oct 23, 2008 - 2:12:44 PM
Latest Research
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC scientific director elected to Institute of Medicine
David H. Perlmutter, MD, scientific director and physician-in-chief at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, has been elected to the prestigious Institute of Medicine (IOM).
Oct 13, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
How to prevent liver damage induced by anti-tuberculosis treatment?
About one third of the world's population has latent tuberculosis and roughly 9 million cases of active tuberculosis emerge annually resulting in 2-3million deaths. Most new cases occur in the most populated nations like India and China. Combination chemotherapy containing Isoniazid (INH), Rifampicin (RMP), Pyrazinamide (PZA) with or without ethambutol for initial 2 months followed by a continuation phase of 4-6 months of Isoniazid and Rifampicin is the preferred regimen for successful treatment and for preventing acquired resistance. Drug induced hepatotoxicity is a potentially serious adverse effect of antituberculosis (ATT) regimen. A higher risk of hepatotoxicity has been reported in Indian patients (up to 11.5%) than in their western counterpart (up to 4.3%). The only measure available for managing hepatotoxicity is stopping the offending agents, once there is an evidence of liver damage and reintroducing the same after normalization of liver enzymes. Preventive therapy of contacts causes severe hepatotoxicity more often than curative treatment of clinical tuberculosis. Search for non-toxic and highly effective new compounds for treating tuberculosis or an effective vaccine conferring sustained protective immunity have yet not seen the face of success.
Sep 19, 2008 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
small intestinal bacteria overgrowthplays a role in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease?
An article recently published in the January 14 issue of the World Journal of Gastroenterology has great significance for NASH. This article will undoubtedly bring about new pathogenesis and treatment of NASH.
Feb 22, 2008 - 7:09:07 AM
Latest Research
Scientists using laser light to detect potential diseases via breath samples, says new study
By blasting a person's breath with laser light, scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Colorado at Boulder have shown that they can detect molecules that may be markers for diseases like asthma or cancer.
Feb 18, 2008 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Europe's most common genetic disease is a liver disorder
Much less widely known than the dangerous consequences of iron deficiencies is the fact that too much iron can also cause problems. The exact origin of the genetic iron overload disorder hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) has remained elusive. In a joint effort, researchers from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the University of Heidelberg, Germany, have now discovered that HH is a liver disease. They report in the current issue of Cell Metabolism that the disorder develops when a crucial gene is lacking in liver cells.
Feb 6, 2008 - 8:55:00 PM
Latest Research
Ginsenosaide Rb1 (R1)- chinese medicine ingredient found to protect liver
A study by Han Jing-Yan et al discovered Ginsenosaide Rb1 (R1) is able to prevent hepatic microcirculatory disturbance and subsequent liver injury in mice induced by intestine ischemia and reperfusion (I/R). R1 is one of the major effective ingredients of Panax notoginseng (PN), a traditional Chinese herb medicine frequently included in various compound Chinese medicines for treatment of liver injury and numerous other diseases in China and other Asian countries.
Jan 16, 2008 - 1:48:31 PM
Latest Research
Research reveals secrets of alcohol's effect on brain cells
NEW YORK (Dec. 7, 2007) -- Alcohol triggers the activation of a variety of genes that can influence the health and activity of brain cells, and new research from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City sheds light on how that process occurs.
Dec 7, 2007 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Hepatitis C treatment reduces the virus but serious liver problems may progress
Patients with chronic hepatitis C and advanced liver disease who did not respond to previous standard therapy experienced significant decreases in their liver enzymes, viral levels, and liver inflammation following treatment with long-term pegylated interferon. However, the treatment did not slow or prevent the progression of serious liver disease. These findings come from the clinical trial, Hepatitis C Antiviral Long-Term Treatment Against Cirrhosis (HALT-C) and were reported at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease in Boston on November 5, 2007. HALT-C is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with additional support from Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.
Nov 6, 2007 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Portal vein thrombosis is common in extraportal vein obstruction
Among the 118 patients with portal vein thrombosis, noncirrhotic and nontumoral extrahepatic portal vein obstruction are young and present with well tolerated bleed. Cirrhosis and tumor related portal vein thrombosis patients are older and have grim prognoses. Hypercoagulable state as a cause of portal vein thrombosis is less common. The idiopathic group comprises the second largest number of patients.
Oct 12, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Can liver cirrhosis be partially cured?
The diffusion of hepatitis C virus infection worldwide is astonishing. Liver cirrhosis is present in at least 10-20% of these infected patients, with highly increasing health care and emotional costs. In patients with compensated (early stage) hepatitis C virus-related cirrhosis, antiviral combined therapy offers an interesting rate of response, ending in viral clearance. Unfortunately post-therapy data on different aspects of the illness, such as the residual liver function, measured as Total Overnight Salivary Caffeine Assessment (TOSCA, a liver test of microsomal function), and hepatic hemodynamics to indirectly evaluate the portal hypertension, measured as the Resistive Index of Splenic Artery (SARI) at Ultra Sound Doppler are still lacking, because to date only the survival rate and hepato-carcinoma appearance have been studied in depth.
Oct 10, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Immune system modulation can halt liver failure in animals
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers have a developed a totally new approach to treating liver failure � manipulating the immune response. If the results of the animal study can be applied in human patients, the approach may be able to keep patients alive until donor organs become available or to support liver function until the organ can regenerate itself, eliminating the need for a transplant. The findings are being reported in the journal PLOS One.
Sep 25, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Inhaling nitric oxide helps transplant success
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. � Administering inhaled nitric oxide (NO) during surgery helps protect liver transplant patients from organ failure, according to a new study from researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).
Aug 29, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New cancer fighter may help ICU patients beat infections
HSP 90 inhibitors, which are finding favor in fighting cancer, may also help battle overwhelming infection in intensive care patients, researchers say.
Aug 27, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Age alone does not increase risk of death following liver transplant among selected septuagenarians
Advanced age alone does not appear to be associated with the risk of death following liver transplant, according to a report in the August issue of Archives of Surgery, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.
Aug 20, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Metabolic study in mice could lead to 'good cholesterol' boosters
Researchers have identified a new player in the control of so-called good cholesterol that circulates in the bloodstream and reduces heart attack risk, according to a report in the August issue of Cell Metabolism, a publication of Cell Press. Should the metabolic pathway uncovered in mice operate similarly in humans, the new discovery could point the way to therapies that protect against heart disease by boosting concentrations of the beneficial high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).
Aug 7, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study shows radiofrequency ablation highly effective in treating kidney tumors
The patients underwent CT-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) at Wake Forest Baptist for kidney tumors ranging in size from 0.6 cm to 8.8 cm. A total of 125 tumors in 104 patients were treated over the period 2000 to 2006. In all of the patients, a biopsy had confirmed the presence of renal cell carcinomas (RCC), a common type of renal malignancy.
Aug 1, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Antibody retards growth and induces death in liver cancer cells
PITTBURGH, July 11 Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine report a significant new advance in the search for an effective treatment for human liver cancer in the July issue of Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. Using a newly available monoclonal antibody, they demonstrated significant reductions in tumor cell proliferation and survival in human and mouse hepatocellular cancer (HCC) cell lines. According to the researchers, this finding has significant implications not only for the treatment of liver cancer but for a number of different types of cancer.
Jul 11, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Why liver cancer is more prevalent in males than in females
Production of a protein that promotes inflammation appears to be linked to the higher incidence of liver cancer in men than in women, researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine have determined in mouse studies. Their discovery that female mice produce far less of the protein called interleukin-6 (IL-6) in response to liver injury than males do, and that production of this protein is suppressed by estrogen, may point the way to therapies to reduce the incidence of liver cancer in males. IL-6 contributes to the chronic liver inflammation that leads to cancer.
Jul 5, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Ablation procedure proves safe, effective and fast
Multiple-electrode radiofrequency ablation is a safe and effective way of treating patients with liver cancer that can be completed in less time than current ablation techniques, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
Jun 29, 2007 - 5:02:00 PM
Latest Research
Could statins be a new option for hepatitis C patients?
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 20, 2007) -- Research presented today at Digestive Disease Week? 2007 (DDW?) demonstrates the potential of statins, important cholesterol management therapies, for improving the management of hepatitis C ? a disease that affects nearly four million Americans. Although there have been no new treatments for hepatitis C since the introduction of pegylated interferon in 2001, the opportunity to develop a new generation of therapies that offer better outcomes may be imminent. DDW is the largest international gathering of physicians and researchers in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy and gastrointestinal surgery.
May 22, 2007 - 10:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New Mayo Clinic MRI technology enables noninvasive liver diagnoses
ROCHESTER, Minn. -- Two recent Mayo Clinic studies have found that magnetic resonance elastography (MRE), a new imaging technique invented at Mayo Clinic, is an accurate tool for non-invasive diagnosis of liver diseases. The findings will be presented this week at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Annual Meeting in Berlin, Germany, and Digestive Disease Week 2007 in Washington, D.C.
May 22, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Cure for hepatitis C announced by VCU researcher
RICHMOND, Va. (May 21, 2007) The use of peginterferon alone, or in combination with ribavirin, points to a cure for hepatitis C, the leading cause of cirrhosis, liver cancer and the need for liver transplant, a Virginia Commonwealth University researcher said today.
May 21, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Mice, men make livers differently
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Scientists often study mice as a model for human biology and disease, because their basic biological processes are assumed to be essentially the same as those of humans.
May 21, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Risk of lymphoma increases with hepatitis C virus infection
People infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) are at an increased risk of developing certain lymphomas (cancers of the lymphatic system), according to a study published in the May 8, 2007, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Researchers from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health, and Baylor College of Medicine, found that HCV infection increased the risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by 20 percent to 30 percent. The risk of developing Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (a rare type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) went up by 300 percent and the risk for cryoglobulinemia, a condition marked by abnormal levels of certain antibodies in the blood, was also elevated for those with HCV infections.
May 8, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Hepatitis C increases risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Hepatitis C infection is associated with an increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (malignancy involving lymphatic tissue) of 20 percent to 30 percent, and a three-fold increase in the risk of another type of lymphoma, according to a study in the May 9 issue of JAMA.
May 8, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Keeping the immune system from starting a 'food fight'
After every meal, the body must prevent the immune system from launching an all-out fight against food. Now, researchers report the identity of a nutrient floodgate that serves to protect against such an inflammatory immune response. Their findings appear in the May 4, 2007 issue of the journal Cell, a publication of Cell Press.
May 3, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Mailman School of Public Health researchers report blood DNA can be early predictor of liver cancer
Researchers at Columbia Universitys Mailman School of Public Health have discovered a means for early detection of liver cancer. Using DNA isolated from serum samples as a baseline biomarker, the scientists examined changes in certain tumor suppressor genes that have been associated with the development of liver carcinomas. This is the first study to prospectively examine potential biomarkers for early detection of liver cancer in high-risk populations, including those with chronic hepatitis B and C virus infections.
Apr 15, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Blood sugar's manufacture limited by building blocks' supply
Researchers have discovered a factor that controls blood sugar's manufacture in a novel way: by limiting the supply of its building blocks. The findings are reported in the April issue of the journal Cell Metabolism, published by Cell Press.
Apr 3, 2007 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Survival rates after liver transplants
Survival rates are similar among patients with hepatitis B who are listed for liver transplantation, whether or not they have hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), according to a new study in the March 2007 issue of Liver Transplantation. An accompanying editorial suggests that these results affirm the current policy on the allocation of donor livers.
Mar 2, 2007 - 12:58:22 PM
Health |
Gathering information about food is not top priority for individuals with high metabolisms
NIH renews funding for University of Maryland vaccine research
DHA-enriched formula in infancy linked to positive cognitive outcomes in childhood
New IOM report lays out plan to determine effectiveness of obesity prevention efforts
Vitamin D supplementation may delay precocious puberty in girls
Study: Pedometer program helps motivate participants to sit less, move more
Fish oil may stall effects of junk food on brain
Intake of low energy dense food better than skipping meals
Inaugural IOF Olof Johnell Science Award presented to Professor Harry Genant
Molecular hub links obesity, heart disease to high blood pressure
 | Healthcare |
Healthcare experts from UK and India meet at the UK Parliament to discuss ways to improve health care in India, UK
Flu pandemic infected one in five
Stigma preventing leprosy-cured from getting jobs
Measles, Mumps make a comeback in US
Melinda Gates calls on Akhilesh Yadav
'Movies, TV impact tobacco users more than newspapers'
Rockland to open three new hospitals in NCR
Spice Global enters healthcare business with hospital in Delhi
Delhi to expedite recruitment of doctors
India adds spice to US life, keeps it healthy
 | Latest Research |
How do consumers see a product when they hear music?
Drug activates virus against cancer
Bone loss associated with increased production of ROS
Sound preconditioning prevents ototoxic drug-induced hearing loss in mice
Crystal methamphetamine use by street youth increases risk of injecting drugs
Johns Hopkins-led study shows increased life expectancy among family caregivers
Moderate to severe psoriasis linked to chronic kidney disease, say experts
Licensing deal marks coming of age for University of Washington, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Simple blood or urine test to identify blinding disease
Physician job satisfaction driven by quality of patient care
 | Medical News |
NHRC issues notice to Kerala over infant deaths
Advanced breast cancer detecting machine comes to India
'Dispel myths about vitiligo'
NHRC summons Odisha chief secretary
Woman dies of swine flu in UP
Maharashtra, GE to modernise rural health care
Hypertension: India's silent killer
Need cautious effort to eradicate polio: Experts
Ayurveda experts develop online personalised health regimen
Soon a detailed study on 'diabesity': Doctors
 | Special Topics |
MPs express anguish at Delhi gang-rape, Shinde assures fast trial
Worrying rise in number of medical students in prostitution over last 10 years
Behold India's unfolding democratic revolution
Chinese woman cuts open her belly to save surgery cost
Improved Sense of Smell Produced Smarter Mammals
Two-year-old world's first to have extra DNA strand
172,155 kidney stones removed from one patient!
'Primodial Soup' theory for origin of life rejected in paper
Human species could have killed Neanderthal man
History, geography also seem to shape our genome
