
Medical News
Low protein diet can help check kidney diseases
Dec 23, 2008 - 2:32:00 PM

New Delhi, Dec 23 - With over 200,000 kidney failure cases reported every year in the country, a low protein diet and maintaining an optimum blood pressure could help in containing renal diseases at early stages.

'After cancer and cardiac ailments, kidney diseases rank third amongst life-threatening diseases in the world. Unfortunately more and more young people are falling prey to renal diseases,' said Probir Roy Chaudhury, professor at University of Cincinnati.

Speaking at a seminar on 'Prevention of Ill Health' at the India International Centre late Monday, Chaudhary said early detection and treatment could help in renal malfunctioning from turning to chronic kidney disease.

'A special low protein diet can help to control the build up of waste products and fluid in your blood and decrease the workload of your kidneys. This diet may also help to slow down the loss of kidney function,' he said.

According to Chaudhary, a person suffering from renal disease should maintain an optimum blood pressure, good control of blood sugar, should have a low protein diet and ensure proper medication to avoid leakage of urinary protein.

'Vascular blockage besides hypertension and high blood pressure are increasingly leading to chronic kidney diseases,' Chaudhary added.

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