
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2014 - 4:39:08 AM |
Latest Research
Substance Abuse
Crystal methamphetamine use by street youth increases risk of injecting drugs
The use of crystal methamphetamine by street-involved youth is linked to an increased risk of injecting drugs, with crystal methamphetamine being the drug most commonly used at the time of first injection, found a study published in
Oct 15, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Drivers who test positive for drugs have triple the risk of a fatal car crash
Drugged driving has been a safety issue of increasing public concern in the United States and many other countries but its role in motor vehicle crashes had not been adequately examined. In a new study conducted at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, researchers assessed the association of driver drug use, as well as the combination of drugs and alcohol, with the risk of fatal crash. They found that drug use is associated with a significantly increased risk of fatal crash involvement, particularly when used in combination with alcohol. The study provides critical data for understanding the joint effect of alcohol and drugs on driving safety.
Sep 25, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sex trafficking and exploitation of minors serious problems in the US, says new report
WASHINGTON -- Commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of minors are serious problems in the United States with long-term adverse consequences for children and society as a whole, and federal agencies should work with state and local partners to raise awareness of these issues and train professionals who work with youths to recognize and assist those who are victimized or at risk, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council. Minors who are prostituted or sexually exploited in other ways should be treated as victims rather than arrested and prosecuted as criminals, as they currently are in most states, the report says.
Sep 25, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study reveals why warnings may be ineffective at teaching young people about risks
Campaigns to get young people to stop smoking may be more successful by focusing on the positive benefits, such as having more money and better skin, rather than emphasising negative outcomes like increased disease risk, a study from Wellcome Trust researchers suggests.
Sep 9, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
The skinny on cocaine
Chronic cocaine use may reduce the body's ability to store fat, new research from the University of Cambridge suggests.
Aug 9, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
82 percent of adults support banning smoking when kids are in the car
ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- A new poll shows 82 percent of adults support banning smoking in cars when children under 13 are riding in the vehicle.
Jul 22, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New evidence suggests impulsive adolescents more likely to drink heavily
Scientists at the University of Liverpool have shown that young people who show impulsive tendencies are more prone to drinking heavily at an early age.
Jul 3, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Missing enzyme linked to drug addiction
A missing brain enzyme increases concentrations of a protein related to pain-killer addiction, according to an animal study. The results will be presented Monday at The Endocrine Society's 95th Annual Meeting in San Francisco.
Jun 17, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Addiction to unhealthy foods could help explain the global obesity epidemic
Toronto, May 22 2013 - Research presented today shows that high-fructose corn syrup can cause behavioural reactions in rats similar to those produced by drugs of abuse such as cocaine. These results, presented by addiction expert Francesco Leri, Associate Professor of Neuroscience and Applied Cognitive Science at the University of Guelph, suggest food addiction could explain, at least partly, the current global obesity epidemic. These results were presented at the 2013 Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, the annual meeting of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience - Association Canadienne des Neurosciences (CAN-ACN).
May 22, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Older people may be at greater risk for alcohol impairment than teens, according to Baylor Study
An acute dose of alcohol may cause greater impairment in coordination, learning and memory in the elderly than in young people, according to a study by Baylor University.
Apr 11, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Brain-mapping increases understanding of alcohol's effects on first-year college students
A research team that includes several Penn State scientists has completed a first-of-its-kind longitudinal pilot study aimed at better understanding how the neural processes that underlie responses to alcohol-related cues change during students' first year of college.
Mar 19, 2013 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
UIC researchers to study how young adults use e-cigarettes, snus
Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Institute for Health Research and Policy have received a $2.3 million federal grant to study how young adults use hookahs, snus, electronic cigarettes, and other new tobacco products.
Feb 7, 2013 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New test to help heavy drinkers reduce alcohol intake
Researchers at the University of Liverpool have developed a computer-based test that could help heavy drinkers reduce their alcohol consumption.
Nov 27, 2012 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Mobile phone services help smokers quit
Support for quitting smoking via text and video messages can help smokers kick the habit according to a new Cochrane systematic review. The authors of the review found that people were more likely to stay away from cigarettes over a six month period if they received motivational messages and advice to their mobile phones.
Nov 13, 2012 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Indoor workplace smoking bans garner strong support from Hoosiers
Public health researchers examining data from an Indiana Adult Tobacco Survey found nearly 75 percent of Hoosiers support a statewide or community indoor workplace smoking ban.
Oct 30, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Penn team to explore use of brain training to help people change behaviors that increase cancer risk
PHILADELPHIA-- Most people know that smoking, a bad diet, and physical inactivity can lead to catastrophic personal health consequences, including cancer. Yet millions continue to smoke, eat poorly, and fail to get enough exercise. A new project led by researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine and the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania aims to devise programs that help them change these risky behaviors and cut their risk of cancer.
Oct 22, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Chemistry building at Brookhaven Lab named Historic Chemical Landmark
UPTON, NY -- The New York Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) has designated the Chemistry Building at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory as an Historic Chemical Landmark.* This designation honors the synthesis of 18^FDG, a radiotracer that has had a revolutionary and global impact on cancer diagnosis and management and brain research. Originally synthesized at Brookhaven Lab in 1976 for positron emission tomography (PET) scanning, 18^FDG is now the world's most widely used radiotracer for cancer diagnosis, with more than 1.5 million 18^FDG PET scans performed annually.
Oct 19, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
$20 million gift establishes Taylor Family Institute for Innovative Psychiatric Research
Andrew and Barbara Taylor and the Crawford Taylor Foundation, the charity of the entire Jack C. Taylor family, have committed $20 million to the Department of Psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis to advance the science underlying the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric illnesses. The gift was announced as university leaders launched Leading Together: The Campaign for Washington University, a historic effort to enhance Washington University's leadership here and abroad.
Oct 8, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
The association of alcohol and tobacco with age at diagnosis among subjects with pancreatic cancer
Background: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PancCa) is a deadly disease, with essentially 100% mortality. Screening for the early detection of such cancer has not been shown to be feasible, and is currently not advised for asymptomatic people. Except for a genetic link for a small percentage of patients who have familial disease, the causes of PancCa are not known. Among environmental factors that have been implicated in some studies are smoking, heavy alcohol use, high-fat diet, excessive intake of carbonated soft drinks, obesity, chronic pancreatitis, and diabetes.Previous epidemiologic studies have had conflicting results, with some showing an increase in risk among consumers of alcohol, especially among heavy drinkers, but most showing no significant effect of moderate drinking. A monograph from IARC in 2009 concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support a role of alcohol in pancreatic cancer development.This analysis from a group of distinguished scientists supports previous research showing that smoking is associated with an earlier onset of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Other research has shown that smoking may also be a causative factor in the development of this type of cancer.
Oct 3, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Adolescent pot use leaves lasting mental deficits
DURHAM, N.C. -- The persistent, dependent use of marijuana before age 18 has been shown to cause lasting harm to a person's intelligence, attention and memory, according to an international research team.
Aug 27, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Unique scientific collaboration reveals hard facts on European drug use
Amsterdam, July 26, 2012 - Surveys of drug use form an important basis for the development of effective drug policies, and also for measuring the effectiveness of existing policies. For the first time in history, scientists have now made direct comparisons of illicit drug use in 19 European cities by a cooperative analysis of raw sewage samples.
Jul 26, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New classification scheme for psychiatric symptoms based on the state of a dysfunctional neural circuit
Steve Chang, along with colleagues from Duke University, introduces a new classification scheme for psychiatric symptoms based on the state of a dysfunctional neural circuit.
Jul 24, 2012 - 8:37:05 PM
Latest Research
Higher quality of life seen among regular moderate drinkers than among abstainers
Data from a nationally representative sample of 5,404 community-dwelling Canadians ages 50 and older at baseline (1994/1995) was used to estimate the effects of alcohol drinking patterns on quality of life when subjects were aged =50 years and after a follow-up period. Health-related quality of life was assessed with the Health Utilities Index Mark 3 (HUI3). The authors report that most participants showed stable alcohol-consumption patterns over 6 years.
Jun 22, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
A better way to help high-risk pregnant smokers
Cigarette smoking among drug dependent pregnant women is alarmingly high, estimated at 77 to 99%. Programs that treat pregnant patients for substance use disorders often fail to address cigarette smoking despite the clear risks to both mother and child, including ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, low birth weight, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. However, programs to help people quit smoking do not seem to interfere with drug abuse treatment, and may actually improve drug abstinence rates.
Jun 21, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Sexual orientation fluctuation correlated to alcohol misuse
COLUMBIA, Mo. -- Many young adults explore and define their sexual identity in college, but that process can be stressful and lead to risky behaviors. In a new study, students whose sexual self-definition didn't fall into exclusively heterosexual or homosexual categories tended to misuse alcohol more frequently than people who had a firmly defined sexual orientation for a particular gender, according to University of Missouri researchers. These findings could be used to improve support programs for sexual minorities.
Jun 6, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Statistical model attempting to estimate level of alcohol consumption that is 'optimal' for health
Scientists from Australia and Oxford University have carried out a complex analysis in an attempt to determine the optimal level of alcohol consumption that is associated with the lowest rates of chronic disease in the UK. They conclude that the intake of about one-half of a typical drink per day would result in the healthiest outcomes, and the authors conclude that the recommended alcohol intake for the UK should be reduced from the current advised level of drinking.
Jun 6, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
NIH selects 11 Centers of Excellence in Pain Education
The National Institutes of Health Pain Consortium has selected 11 health professional schools as designated Centers of Excellence in Pain Education (CoEPEs). The CoEPEs will act as hubs for the development, evaluation, and distribution of pain management curriculum resources for medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy schools to enhance and improve how health care professionals are taught about pain and its treatment. Twenty institutes, centers and offices at NIH are involved in the consortium.
May 21, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Optogenetics project takes top NIDA Addiction Science Award
First place distinction went to John Edward Solder, a senior at Staples High School in Westport Conn., for his project, Optogenetic Interrogation of Prefrontal Cortex Dopamine D1 Receptor-Containing Neurons as a Technique to Restore Timing: A Novel Approach to Treat Prefrontal Disorders. The 18-year-old was able to specifically control behavioral timing in mice that were genetically modified to activate dopamine neurons in the prefrontal cortex, a region involved in higher order functions such as impulsivity and self-control, in response to a light stimulus. His research, which provides another example of the power of optogenetics (a technique that activates specific neurons just by shining light onto them) to modify neural activity in discrete brain areas at will, brings us one step closer to the development of novel therapies for a wide range of psychiatric disorders. He plans to attend Yale University in the fall.
May 21, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Internet and new drugs: A challenge for public health
Barcelona, 8th May 2012. A group of researchers from the IMIM (Hospital del Mar Research Institute) and from the INAD (Hospital del Mar Neuropsychiatry and Addictions Institute) has participated in an international study aiming to give a general overview at a chemical, pharmacological and behavioural level of a recently appeared new chemical compound, according to the Recreational Drugs European Network, as a new abused drug: methoxetamine (MXE).
May 8, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Mobile technology helps explore nicotine addiction
Some people quit smoking on the first try while others have to quit repeatedly. Using such mobile technology as hand-held computers and smartphones, a team of researchers from Penn State and the University of Pittsburgh is trying to find out why.
Apr 4, 2012 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Self-affirmation may break down resistance to medical screening
People resist medical screening, or don't call back for the results, because they don't want to know they're sick or at risk for a disease. But many illnesses, such as HIV/AIDS and cancer, have a far a better prognosis if they're caught early. How can health care providers break down that resistance?
Dec 22, 2011 - 11:00:00 PM
Latest Research
Cigarette and alcohol use at historic low among teens
Cigarette and alcohol use by eighth, 10th and 12th-graders are at their lowest point since the Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey began polling teenagers in 1975, according to this year's survey results. However, this positive news is tempered by a slowing rate of decline in teen smoking as well as continued high rates of abuse of other tobacco products (e.g., hookahs, small cigars, smokeless tobacco), marijuana and prescription drugs. The survey results, announced today during a news conference at the National Press Club, appear to show that more teens continue to abuse marijuana than cigarettes; and alcohol is still the drug of choice among all three age groups queried.
Dec 14, 2011 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Opioid abuse linked to mood and anxiety disorders
Individuals suffering from mood and anxiety disorders such as bipolar, panic disorder and major depressive disorder may be more likely to abuse opioids, according to a new study led by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. They found that mood and anxiety disorders are highly associated with non-medical prescription opioid use. The results are featured in a recent issue of the Journal of Psychological Medicine.
Dec 13, 2011 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study IDs new genetic links to impulsivity, alcohol problems in men
Being impulsive can lead us to say things we regret, buy things we really don't need, engage in behaviors that are risky and even develop troublesome addictions. But are different kinds of hastiness and rashness embedded in our DNA?
Nov 16, 2011 - 5:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Association of quantity of alcohol and frequency of consumption with cancer mortality
A paper from the National Institutes of Health in the United States has evaluated the separate and combined effects of the frequency of alcohol consumption and the average quantity of alcohol drunk per occasion and how that relates to mortality risk from individual cancers as well as all cancers. The analysis is based on repeated administrations of the National Health Interview Survey in the US, assessing more than 300,000 subjects who suffered over 8,000 deaths from cancer. The research reports on total cancer deaths and deaths from lung, colorectal, prostate, and breast cancers.
Oct 20, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
UIC awarded $14 million to study tobacco pricing and media
The University of Illinois at Chicago has received $14.2 million from the National Cancer Institute to study how mass media and tax and pricing affects tobacco use and behavior.
Oct 10, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
New Systematic Review on Efficacy and Safety of Second Generation Antipsychotics (SGAs) for Off-Label Uses
Medical evidence suggests that psychiatric drugs known as atypical antipsychotics are effective in reducing symptoms for some off-label conditions, but not others, according to a new RAND Corporation study.
Oct 1, 2011 - 11:00:00 PM
Latest Research
Brain immune cells respond to alcohol
When you think about your immune system, you probably think about it fighting off a cold. But new research from the University of Adelaide suggests that immune cells in your brain may contribute to how you respond to alcohol.
Sep 29, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
UCSF, UC Merced to study effectiveness of anti-tobacco programs
Researchers with the University of California, San Francisco and the University of California, Merced will examine the effectiveness of state and local anti-smoking programs across the United States to ensure that health authorities are able to use their increasingly limited resources to support and defend the most effective approaches.
Sep 7, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Does Dad's stress affect his unborn children?
According to the results of a new study in Elsevier's Biological Psychiatry, it seems the answer may be yes, but it's complicated.
Sep 3, 2011 - 11:00:00 PM
Latest Research
CBT is highly effective in Dental Phobia
People with severe dental phobia may be able to overcome their anxieties with a single session of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), research published in the latest issue of the British Dental Journal (BDJ) suggests.
Sep 2, 2011 - 11:37:56 PM
Latest Research
Faster progress through puberty linked to behavior problems
Children who go through puberty at a faster rate are more likely to act out and to suffer from anxiety and depression, according to a study by researchers at Penn State, Duke University and the University of California, Davis. The results suggest that primary care providers, teachers and parents should look not only at the timing of puberty in relation to kids' behaviour problems, but also at the tempo of puberty -- how fast or slow kids go through puberty.
Sep 1, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Understanding gender differences in suicide methods
Women who commit suicide are more likely than men to avoid facial disfiguration, but not necessarily in the name of vanity. Valerie Callanan from the University of Akron and Mark Davis from the Criminal Justice Research Center at the Ohio State University, USA, show that there are marked gender differences in the use of suicide methods that disfigure the face or head. While firearms are the preferred method for both men and women, women are less likely to shoot themselves in the head. The study is published online in Springer's journal Sex Roles.
Aug 30, 2011 - 11:00:00 PM
Latest Research
Scientists show how gene variant linked to ADHD could operate
A study using mice provides insight into how a specific receptor subtype in the brain could play a role in increasing a person's risk for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The research, conducted by the Intramural Research Program (IRP) at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health, could also help explain how stimulants work to treat symptoms of ADHD.
Aug 16, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Study: Graphic warning labels reduce demand for cigarettes
Will graphic cigarette package warning labels significantly reduce demand? A new study suggests it will.
Aug 8, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
BUSM/BMC researchers awarded $3.5 million grant from the NIDA
(Boston) - Researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and Boston Medical Center (BMC) were recently awarded a $3.5 million grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), to improve upon the seek, test, treat, and retain paradigm in Eastern Europe among HIV-infected Russian and Eastern European injection drug users (IDUs) in narcology (addiction) care. The project will be known as LINC, Linking Infectious and Narcology Care.
Jul 21, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Daunting barriers found in accessing psychiatric care
A new study by Harvard Medical School researchers published today in the Annals of Emergency Medicine finds that access to outpatient psychiatric care in the greater Boston area is severely limited, even for people with reputedly excellent private health insurance. Given that the federal health law is modelled after the Massachusetts health reform, the findings have national implications, the researchers say.
Jul 21, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
International AIDS Society to launch Virtual Media Centre in July to support opioid substitution therapy in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Tuesday, 19 July, 2011 (Rome, Italy) -- As a part of its new initiative, Expanding Access to Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) for People Who Inject Drugs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), the International AIDS Society (IAS) will launch a Virtual Knowledge Centre (VKC) in partnership with the Ukrainian Institute on Public Health Policy (UIPHP).
Jul 19, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
Alcohol drinking in the elderly: Risks and benefits
The Royal College of Psychiatrists of London has published a report related primarily to problems of unrecognized alcohol misuse among the elderly. The report provides guidelines for psychiatrists and family physicians on how to find and how to treat elderly people with misuse of alcohol and drugs. Forum members consider it very important to identify abusive drinking among the elderly and this report provides specific and very reasonable recommendations to assist practitioners in both the identification and treatment of such problems.
Jun 27, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Latest Research
The association of alcohol drinking with migraine headache
Migraine is a neurovascular disease that affects about 15% of the western population. Compounds in foods and beverages (chocolate, wine, citrus, etc) considered as migraine triggers include tyramine, phenylethylamine and possibly histamine and phenolic compounds. Avoiding those triggers may significantly reduce the frequency of migraines in some patients.
Jun 13, 2011 - 4:00:00 AM
Health |
Gathering information about food is not top priority for individuals with high metabolisms
NIH renews funding for University of Maryland vaccine research
DHA-enriched formula in infancy linked to positive cognitive outcomes in childhood
New IOM report lays out plan to determine effectiveness of obesity prevention efforts
Vitamin D supplementation may delay precocious puberty in girls
Study: Pedometer program helps motivate participants to sit less, move more
Fish oil may stall effects of junk food on brain
Intake of low energy dense food better than skipping meals
Inaugural IOF Olof Johnell Science Award presented to Professor Harry Genant
Molecular hub links obesity, heart disease to high blood pressure
 | Healthcare |
Healthcare experts from UK and India meet at the UK Parliament to discuss ways to improve health care in India, UK
Flu pandemic infected one in five
Stigma preventing leprosy-cured from getting jobs
Measles, Mumps make a comeback in US
Melinda Gates calls on Akhilesh Yadav
'Movies, TV impact tobacco users more than newspapers'
Rockland to open three new hospitals in NCR
Spice Global enters healthcare business with hospital in Delhi
Delhi to expedite recruitment of doctors
India adds spice to US life, keeps it healthy
 | Latest Research |
How do consumers see a product when they hear music?
Drug activates virus against cancer
Bone loss associated with increased production of ROS
Sound preconditioning prevents ototoxic drug-induced hearing loss in mice
Crystal methamphetamine use by street youth increases risk of injecting drugs
Johns Hopkins-led study shows increased life expectancy among family caregivers
Moderate to severe psoriasis linked to chronic kidney disease, say experts
Licensing deal marks coming of age for University of Washington, University of Alabama-Birmingham
Simple blood or urine test to identify blinding disease
Physician job satisfaction driven by quality of patient care
 | Medical News |
NHRC issues notice to Kerala over infant deaths
Advanced breast cancer detecting machine comes to India
'Dispel myths about vitiligo'
NHRC summons Odisha chief secretary
Woman dies of swine flu in UP
Maharashtra, GE to modernise rural health care
Hypertension: India's silent killer
Need cautious effort to eradicate polio: Experts
Ayurveda experts develop online personalised health regimen
Soon a detailed study on 'diabesity': Doctors
 | Special Topics |
MPs express anguish at Delhi gang-rape, Shinde assures fast trial
Worrying rise in number of medical students in prostitution over last 10 years
Behold India's unfolding democratic revolution
Chinese woman cuts open her belly to save surgery cost
Improved Sense of Smell Produced Smarter Mammals
Two-year-old world's first to have extra DNA strand
172,155 kidney stones removed from one patient!
'Primodial Soup' theory for origin of life rejected in paper
Human species could have killed Neanderthal man
History, geography also seem to shape our genome
