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Last Updated: Oct 11, 2012 - 10:22:56 PM
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Australia confirms its first swine flu case

May 9, 2009 - 10:11:31 AM
The World Health Organisation reported Friday that 2,500 people in 26 countries had tested positive for the influenza A - virus.

[RxPG] Sydney, May 9 - A woman who arrived back in Australia on a flight from Los Angeles to Brisbane last week has been confirmed as the country's first swine flu patient.

Queensland health authorities said the woman tested 'weak positive' for the new influenza A - virus and has already recovered.

'This is clearly a serious development but we are in a situation where the best medical advice seems to be indicating that this person would not have been infectious,' state chief medical officer Jeanette Young said.

'Because at this stage there is no evidence of any live infection in Australia, the advice currently is for us not to change that alert level.'

The woman reported her symptoms to health authorities at Brisbane airport Thursday after coming off Qantas flight QF16. She remained in Brisbane with family members.

'Because we're taking every precaution, we'll be contacting passengers from the same flight sitting close to the woman, and her close family, to check if they have had any illness and alert them to seek medical advice if they become unwell,' Young said.

The World Health Organisation reported Friday that 2,500 people in 26 countries had tested positive for the influenza A - virus.

Of the 567 people tested for swine flu in Australia, 544 have been cleared and the rest are awaiting results.

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